The Jewish Zodiac was created by a comedy writer. He was inspired by the zodiac placemats often found in Chinese restaurants, and has created...
Category - For the Table
Challah, Decor, Food, For the Table, Gifts, Gifts, Judaica, Shabbat
Add a Fountain of Good Cheer to Your Shabbat Table
Here is something we had never seen before – a kiddush fountain! This impressive piece would look stunning on any table, and is also a...
Decor, Desserts, Entertaining, Food, For the Table, Hanukkah, Holidays
Dress Up Your Hanukkah Dessert Table
Create a showstopper of a dessert table for your Hanukkah celebration with just a few supplies and some printable decorations. Offer a variety a...
Check out these great Dreidel Ice Cube Molds: Offer your guests a bucket of ice dreidels with your beverages, like these featured on The Jewish...
Challah, Decor, Food, For the Table, Hanukkah, Holidays, Shabbat
Light Up Your Shabbat with a Challah Menorah!
Hanukkah begins in less than two weeks and the third night overlaps with Shabbat. In case you’re looking for a fun challah to make that Friday...
Big wine lover? Or know someone who is? Get them (or yourself) this great Extra-Large Wine Glass: Each glass holds an entire bottle of wine. Or buy a...