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Alternative Haggadahs for Passover – Jewtewb

Maxwell House Coffee haggadahs getting a little ragged? Or are you looking for a new haggadah that aligns more closely with your worldview/dietary preferences/social media addictions?

If so, then check out Buzzfeed’s list of 13 Alternative Haggadahs to Brighten Up Your Passover Seder.

Whether you are a vegetarian:

Vegetarian haggadah

a Buddhist:

buddhist haggadah

or a hip-hop fan:

hip hop haggadah

There is a haggadah for everybody out there.

There is even a facebook-style haggadah for those who are addicted to the site, told through a series of facebook updates!


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  • Awesome list, thanks! My blog post today talks about some Haggadahs I’ve reviewed . . . but I didn’t know about many of these to share. I’ll let our community know to check these out, too.

    • Great! We love your site also. Please let us know about any new products you have for Passover, and we’d be happy to feature them here.

      • Thanks for the offer! We’d love to feature our new Passover Seder Steps Follow-
        Along — the game/activity/learning resource for the whole family. It invites the whole family to walk through the 15 steps of the Seder together, and complements virtually any Haggadah.

        The version with 5 boards, 5 red pawns is available through amazon.com; it’s also available digitally. More info here: http://jewishholidaysinabox.com/jewish-holiday-traditions/how-to-celebrate-passover/

        We also have a no-panicking e-guide to help people put on a Seder, called “Celebrate Passover: How to Plan a Fun, Simple Seder.”

        Let us know what info/pix we can share. Thanks!!


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