And since Tu Bishvat was this week, we thought we’d feature a few challah recipes that incorporate fruit and nuts.
First, for Friday night, check out this recipe for Cinnamon Raisin Walnut Challah from Jew and the City featured on Joy of Kosher.

The recipe makes a lot of challah, between 6 – 8 loaves, so you will probably have a lot of extra challah. Here are instructions for freezing braided challah dough from Kosher on a Budget, or you can freeze already-baked loaves and reheat them later. Making several loaves at once like with this recipe will save you a lot of time in the future.
Whether you serve the Cinnamon Raisin Walnut Challah or a plain challah for your Friday night dinner, use the leftovers to make this decadent Tu Bishvat Challah Kugel with Dried Cherries and Almonds from the Los Angeles Times.

This recipe is perfect for celebrating trees and their bounty, with the inclusion of apples, dried cherries, lemon, and almonds.
Shabbat Shalom!