Because they are the Four Cocktails of Passover! During the Seder we already have the Four Questions and the four cups of wine, now Jewish Boston has...
Category - Passover
This Passover parody of the “Let It Go” song from the Disney movie “Frozen” is performed by Moses and Pharaoh.
Food, Holidays, Passover
Passover Charoset: Ashkenazi-Style or Sephardic? Try Both with These Delicious Recipes!
Charoset is one of the symbolic foods that Jews eat during the Passover Seder. It represents the mortar that the Israelites used to make bricks while...
If you’re looking for some books to explain the story of Exodus, Passover traditions, or just bring the holiday to life, here are some great...
If the thought of eight days of matzoh has you down, Buzzfeed’s list of 25 Delicious Ways to Use Matzoh should bring some relief. The list...
Want to get your kids more involved and interested in the Seder this year? Encourage their interest and creativity with this cool My Haggadah: Made...