It’s Friday, and that means it’s a challah-day! And since we dig the challah puns, we had to feature Challywood Challahs this Shabbat. If you don’t have time to make your own challah, debut a Challywood challah on your Shabbat table.
Challywood is a kosher pareve bakery in Queens, New York and offers traditional braided challahs, pull-apart challahs, mini challahs and rolls, and other specialty items including challahs in a variety of flavors. They ship daily and you can specify the date that you would like to receive your order.
This onion challah looks delicious:
As does this chocolate-cherry pull-apart challah:
The rolls look yummy too, especially the chocolate ones:
Imagine those sliced in a french toast casserole!
Of course, such a diva of a challah must be outfitted in the fanciest finery, so make sure you serve it under a beautiful challah cover.
This raw silk pomegranate challah cover by Yair Emanuel measures 20 x 16 inches.
This challah cover, also by Yair Emanuel, features a gorgeous velvet patchwork border.
Check out this stunning leather challah cover. It measures 16 x 20 inches, and is a great modern addition to any Shabbat table.
For a contemporary feel, get either a black leather or a white leather challah cover
This silk challah cover with images from The Creation is quite striking.
Any of these would be fabulous to dress up your challah and your table.
Shabbat Shalom!