Just in time for Shavuot, G-dcast has released a new animated short film, “The Book of Ruth.” The Book of Ruth is traditionally read on...
Category - Kids
Holidays, Jew-niors!, Kids, Shavuot, The Daily Nosh
Decor, Jew-niors!, Kids, Oy, there's more!, The Daily Nosh
DIY: How to Create a Chore Chart for the Kids
The following post was written by our friend Jill Dushey who writes a blog called “The Shaatra Club.” The Shaatra Club celebrates the art...
Here are fun printable coloring pages that highlight Lag B’Omer customs, such as building bonfires, having picnics and playing with bows and...
On Lag B’Omer it is customary to celebrate with bonfires, picnics and outdoor activities. Have some fun and enjoy the outdoors with these toys...
The holiday of Lag B’Omer is customarily celebrated with bonfires. Some say this is to remember the fire at Mt. Sinai or the igniting of the...
If you are looking for a fun project to do over Passover, make a matzah house! Just spread some melted chocolate or peanut butter over a small...